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Kristin Lim

About the Author:

Kristin Lim is from the sunny city of Cebu, Philippines. As a seven year-old, she had trouble finding books that were appropriate for her age so she began writing and illustrating her own stories. Now, as a mom, she’s thrilled to share this passion with both her children and her beloved readers.

First Name Acrostic:

Keen on

Reading and Writing





Newfound wonder in Jesus

Travel Bucket List Items:

In the U.S.A. – To watch a theater production of Sights and Sounds in Branson, Missouri (I love how they make the Bible characters relatable).

Outside the U.S.A.To visit more places in my country. We have 7,000 plus islands!

Adventure – Skydiving. I would also love to swim with whale sharks again.

An accomplishment she’s proud of:

Being able to write a story and invent new guiltfree desserts that family and friends get excited about.


Sweet Treat – Chocolate

Observation – Starry Nights

Book Series – Mark of the Lion by Francine Rivers

Season – Christmas

TV Series – The Chosen


Kristin’s Book:

Coming Soon:

The Aurorians’ Dwindling Light

Family Photos:

Above is the “Wacky family picture” — After 4 miscarriages, for Kristin, being able to have two children feels like a miracle.

Below is from Kristin and her husband’s adventure swimming with whale sharks in Oslob, Cebu.



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Elaine Beth Doebereiner

Elaine’s Book:


Coming Soon: untitled prequel to The Blue Phoenix and the Silver Foxx

* For more information on her book, click the pic above

About the Author

Elaine is a small-town girl with big dreams and aspirations. She is a blessed wife and mother of two who is also proud to serve as a nurse, making a difference in the lives of others. The name Elaine means “bright shining light” and she strives to live up to that every day, hoping to change the world for the better. Particularly, she wishes to help both people and animals.

First Name Acrostic:

Eloquence is not my forte

Lacking social skills

And Grace, I Dare say

Introvert with Goodwill

Nurse, wife, mother in day’s light

Eccentric writer by night

Travel Bucket List Items: Alaskan cruise to see Northern Lights; England, Scotland and Germany to experience her ancestral origins; and, the Galapagos islands to pet the giant tortoises.

Accomplishments She’s Proud Of: Both becoming a nurse and a published author.

Five Favorites:

Movie: The live action version of Beauty and the Beast

Food: Tacos

Drink: Diet Dr. Pepper

Composer: Vivaldi

Book: Tie — To Kill a Mockingbird and The Hobbit

“Family Photos”

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Michele Renee DeRouin

Michele’s Books:

* For more information on her books, click the pics above

About the Author

After growing up in Bakersfield, California, Michele earned a degree in Child Psychology and spent twenty years working in social services. In 2001, she moved to the mountains of Arizona where she learned to hunt, fish, and rock climb. During that time, she felt God moving her to write a book. In 2017, she moved to the island of Oahu, Hawaii, where she retired from social work and began to write her first novel.

Michele has two grown children and one grandchild. In addition to her love for the outdoors, Michele enjoys painting with watercolors and digital mediums and has sold over 200 pieces of art. Her strong faith in God has helped her to overcome many obstacles and her heartache inspired much of her first book, Cracks in the Floor of Heaven. Michele has also been blessed with many gifts from God, who has taught her how to have joy despite pain and hope in the midst of hardship. She remains an optimist, has a heart for helping others, and plans to write many more books that she hopes will bring light into the darkness and healing into the lives of hurting people.

First Name Acrostic:

My faith keeps me

In the light because I am

Chosen for a purpose

Helping others creates an

Ease in trusting God and

Loving others makes

Everyday special

Travel Bucket List Items: All of the Hawaiian islands, New Zealand, and the national parks.

An Accomplishment She’s Proud Of: Her move to Hawaii.

Five Favorites:

Hobby: Swimming and body surfing

Food: Fish tacos

Music: For King and Country and ’80’s tunes

Movie: Burnt

Season: Summer