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Kristin Lim

About the Author:

Kristin Lim is from the sunny city of Cebu, Philippines. As a seven year-old, she had trouble finding books that were appropriate for her age so she began writing and illustrating her own stories. Now, as a mom, she’s thrilled to share this passion with both her children and her beloved readers.

First Name Acrostic:

Keen on

Reading and Writing





Newfound wonder in Jesus

Travel Bucket List Items:

In the U.S.A. – To watch a theater production of Sights and Sounds in Branson, Missouri (I love how they make the Bible characters relatable).

Outside the U.S.A.To visit more places in my country. We have 7,000 plus islands!

Adventure – Skydiving. I would also love to swim with whale sharks again.

An accomplishment she’s proud of:

Being able to write a story and invent new guiltfree desserts that family and friends get excited about.


Sweet Treat – Chocolate

Observation – Starry Nights

Book Series – Mark of the Lion by Francine Rivers

Season – Christmas

TV Series – The Chosen


Kristin’s Book:

Coming Soon:

The Aurorians’ Dwindling Light

Family Photos:

Above is the “Wacky family picture” — After 4 miscarriages, for Kristin, being able to have two children feels like a miracle.

Below is from Kristin and her husband’s adventure swimming with whale sharks in Oslob, Cebu.



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C. S. Elston

Chris’ Books:

* For more information on his books, click the pics above

About the Author:

Chris Elston has worked as a writer in various mediums, including the film and television industry, since the 1990’s. He primarily grew up in the northern suburbs of Seattle, Washington, went to college about twenty-five miles southwest of Portland, Oregon and then lived in the Los Angeles area for fifteen years. He now resides in Prescott Valley, Arizona with his wife and business partner, Andrea. Together, they own and operate Shine-A-Light Corp, which includes a publishing house, and a non-profit organization called Shine the Light Ministries.

First Name Acrostic:

Christ follower


Rambunctious on occasion


Saved by the 5 solas

Travel Bucket List Items:

In the U.S.A. — I’d like to take a road trip through the northern states because I haven’t been east of Montana and north of Illinois/Indiana as an adult. We could turn around and head back once we stopped for a “Frrrozen Hot Chocolate” at the iconic Serendipity3 between Second and Third avenues in New York City.

Outside the U.S.A. — Israel.

An adventure — I’m typically just happy to survive the day.

An Accomplishment He’s Proud Of:

Finding the most amazing woman on the planet and somehow convincing her to marry me.

Five Favorites:

Movie – The Shawshank Redemption

Music – Christian, Classic Rock, Country

Food – Pizza, steak

Book – After God’s Word, that’s like a 50-way tie and I’m not going to list them all

Vacation spot – Hawaii, Lake Chelan (Eastern Washington State)

“Family Photos”


Coming soon: The Four Corners of Winter

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Elaine Beth Doebereiner

Elaine’s Book:


Coming Soon: untitled prequel to The Blue Phoenix and the Silver Foxx

* For more information on her book, click the pic above

About the Author

Elaine is a small-town girl with big dreams and aspirations. She is a blessed wife and mother of two who is also proud to serve as a nurse, making a difference in the lives of others. The name Elaine means “bright shining light” and she strives to live up to that every day, hoping to change the world for the better. Particularly, she wishes to help both people and animals.

First Name Acrostic:

Eloquence is not my forte

Lacking social skills

And Grace, I Dare say

Introvert with Goodwill

Nurse, wife, mother in day’s light

Eccentric writer by night

Travel Bucket List Items: Alaskan cruise to see Northern Lights; England, Scotland and Germany to experience her ancestral origins; and, the Galapagos islands to pet the giant tortoises.

Accomplishments She’s Proud Of: Both becoming a nurse and a published author.

Five Favorites:

Movie: The live action version of Beauty and the Beast

Food: Tacos

Drink: Diet Dr. Pepper

Composer: Vivaldi

Book: Tie — To Kill a Mockingbird and The Hobbit

“Family Photos”

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The Inspiration Behind “The Blue Phoenix and the Silver Foxx”

by Elaine Beth Doebereiner

Readers have expressed a curiosity about where I discovered the inspiration for my first novel. The truth is that the story was born from a dream I had at age 16. I was an aspiring writer in junior high and high school. The only thing I found time for was my poetry, however. I never forgot that dream even into adulthood. I tried several times to sit down and write the story that had been born in my mind. I would get 10 chapters written and then scrap it. Then, a year later, I would write 12 chapters and throw those out, too. The story was not good enough in my eyes. So, I took a long break from it but never stopped thinking about the characters that I had not been able to do justice. Created and birthed in my mind, I watched as they grew up and developed. Soon I was losing sleep thinking about them and their story. The characters had become like children to me and I believed it was my duty to give them life. So, I took the sleepless nights as a sign from God that it was time to finally write this story for real.

The initial dream that I had at 16 was basically just one short incident with one character. A young girl falling from a mountain top with the mission of saving earth. The scenery was vivid, and the girl was so real to me. I constructed the other characters and plot around this singular point of origin. Other constructs came to life as I realized, I have always wanted to make a difference in the world. I have always had this burning desire to help others. What better way to reach an audience then through a story where they can see themselves in the characters and experience what the characters feel? So, I set out to write a book that could be a beacon of hope and inspiration to the world.

I added in the bible verses because I saw them as favorites of the characters writing the journal entries. They serve to make the characters feel more connected to God as they find comfort in His Word and I wanted the readers to feel that same comfort. My desire is that my readers will know that they are not alone. God’s not dead. There is hope. Your prayers are indeed answered even if you don’t realize it at the time. They may be not answered in the way or the timeframe you think they should be but God knows better than we do. Be patient and trust Him. We all make mistakes and those mistakes do not define us, you just have to learn from them and move on. Its healthy to experience sadness, failure and all the bad feels. You cannot grow as a person, or in faith, or in spirituality without facing fear, going out of your comfort zone, and learning from life’s experiences.  If you need guidance or counsel, open the bible, the answers are there.

I also made the characters a hodge podge of people. Different genders, races, ethnicities, angels, humans, demons. . . a total mixture. This was purposefully executed in the hopes that I could convey the fact that it does not matter who you are or where you’re from, you can do the work of God and we can all do it together. We are all His children. We should love one another no matter who or what we are and regardless of the color of our skin. You can choose your own path no matter the manner of your birth or where you came from. You do not have to be perfect to do good things in this world. When you think that God is not doing anything to help the world, stop and think about how much he loves us, His creations, His children. He gave his only son to die on the cross so that we could live. He wouldn’t do something phenomenal like that and then just turn His back on those He sacrificed for. He places special people in our lives on purpose, events happen that shape us, and I believe that angels do walk among us, strategically placed to keep the balance and to help mankind. All you have to do is keep an open mind, be observant, be patient, and have faith.

What started out as just a dream evolved into hopeful inspirational ideals. I pray the world loves the characters and this story as much as I do and I hope it touches the hearts of many around the world. It would be such an honor to know that it helped people and made a difference in their lives.