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Kristin Lim

About the Author:

Kristin Lim is from the sunny city of Cebu, Philippines. As a seven year-old, she had trouble finding books that were appropriate for her age so she began writing and illustrating her own stories. Now, as a mom, she’s thrilled to share this passion with both her children and her beloved readers.

First Name Acrostic:

Keen on

Reading and Writing





Newfound wonder in Jesus

Travel Bucket List Items:

In the U.S.A. – To watch a theater production of Sights and Sounds in Branson, Missouri (I love how they make the Bible characters relatable).

Outside the U.S.A.To visit more places in my country. We have 7,000 plus islands!

Adventure – Skydiving. I would also love to swim with whale sharks again.

An accomplishment she’s proud of:

Being able to write a story and invent new guiltfree desserts that family and friends get excited about.


Sweet Treat – Chocolate

Observation – Starry Nights

Book Series – Mark of the Lion by Francine Rivers

Season – Christmas

TV Series – The Chosen


Kristin’s Book:

Coming Soon:

The Aurorians’ Dwindling Light

Family Photos:

Above is the “Wacky family picture” — After 4 miscarriages, for Kristin, being able to have two children feels like a miracle.

Below is from Kristin and her husband’s adventure swimming with whale sharks in Oslob, Cebu.



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Monty Hobbs

Monty’s Book:

* For more information on his book, click the pic above

About the Author:

Monty is a retiree from the United States Army, husband for nearly five decades, father of three, grandpa of nine, and at last count great grandpa of one. He saw the forty-eight contiguous states and southern Canada from behind the windshield of an eighteen-wheeler for over seven and a half years. Monty is a certified lay speaker, deacon, licensed minister and led a men’s group study that centered primarily on discipleship. While his first book, Small Steps to Understand a Big Gospel, did not come to him in a dream, it did prevent him from sleeping one night until he got out of bed and hammered out the introduction to the book. As a recently developing blogger he is excited and enjoying learning and appreciating just what it takes to publish a blog that will interest the public and draw them back to his site on return visits to hear more about our amazing God and His gospel. You can read his blog here:

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C. S. Elston

Chris’ Books:

* For more information on his books, click the pics above

About the Author:

Chris Elston has worked as a writer in various mediums, including the film and television industry, since the 1990’s. He primarily grew up in the northern suburbs of Seattle, Washington, went to college about twenty-five miles southwest of Portland, Oregon and then lived in the Los Angeles area for fifteen years. He now resides in Prescott Valley, Arizona with his wife and business partner, Andrea. Together, they own and operate Shine-A-Light Corp, which includes a publishing house, and a non-profit organization called Shine the Light Ministries.

First Name Acrostic:

Christ follower


Rambunctious on occasion


Saved by the 5 solas

Travel Bucket List Items:

In the U.S.A. — I’d like to take a road trip through the northern states because I haven’t been east of Montana and north of Illinois/Indiana as an adult. We could turn around and head back once we stopped for a “Frrrozen Hot Chocolate” at the iconic Serendipity3 between Second and Third avenues in New York City.

Outside the U.S.A. — Israel.

An adventure — I’m typically just happy to survive the day.

An Accomplishment He’s Proud Of:

Finding the most amazing woman on the planet and somehow convincing her to marry me.

Five Favorites:

Movie – The Shawshank Redemption

Music – Christian, Classic Rock, Country

Food – Pizza, steak

Book – After God’s Word, that’s like a 50-way tie and I’m not going to list them all

Vacation spot – Hawaii, Lake Chelan (Eastern Washington State)

“Family Photos”


Coming soon: The Four Corners of Winter

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Andrea Elston

Andrea’s Books:

* For more information on her books, click the pics above

About the Author:

Andrea Elston was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. She has taught at the elementary level for 20+ years and also creates educational resources for Shine-A-Light Press. She and her husband Chris live in Prescott Valley, Arizona and love seeing the sky for more than 3 months out of the year!

First Name Acrostic:

A born-again believerNorthwest native, Arizona transplantDrinks way too much coffeeResponsible (or at least tries to be)Educator and…Advocate for truth

Travel Bucket List Items: Statue of Liberty, Quebec or Paris (anywhere she can practice her high-school French,) and somewhere to see the northern lights and stay in an ice-hotel.

An Accomplishment She’s Proud Of: She just recently made over 200 desserts for her niece’s wedding, turning a fun hobby into something that was able to bless the happy couple. It was definitely challenging, especially since it was 100 degrees that day (quite uncharacteristic for Washington in June), but she made it work!

Five Favorites:

Movie: The Fugitive

Childhood Gift: a Cabbage Patch preemie named Caroline Tabitha

Coffee Drink: Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte

Season: Fall

Book: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

“Family Photos”

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Michele Renee DeRouin

Michele’s Books:

* For more information on her books, click the pics above

About the Author

After growing up in Bakersfield, California, Michele earned a degree in Child Psychology and spent twenty years working in social services. In 2001, she moved to the mountains of Arizona where she learned to hunt, fish, and rock climb. During that time, she felt God moving her to write a book. In 2017, she moved to the island of Oahu, Hawaii, where she retired from social work and began to write her first novel.

Michele has two grown children and one grandchild. In addition to her love for the outdoors, Michele enjoys painting with watercolors and digital mediums and has sold over 200 pieces of art. Her strong faith in God has helped her to overcome many obstacles and her heartache inspired much of her first book, Cracks in the Floor of Heaven. Michele has also been blessed with many gifts from God, who has taught her how to have joy despite pain and hope in the midst of hardship. She remains an optimist, has a heart for helping others, and plans to write many more books that she hopes will bring light into the darkness and healing into the lives of hurting people.

First Name Acrostic:

My faith keeps me

In the light because I am

Chosen for a purpose

Helping others creates an

Ease in trusting God and

Loving others makes

Everyday special

Travel Bucket List Items: All of the Hawaiian islands, New Zealand, and the national parks.

An Accomplishment She’s Proud Of: Her move to Hawaii.

Five Favorites:

Hobby: Swimming and body surfing

Food: Fish tacos

Music: For King and Country and ’80’s tunes

Movie: Burnt

Season: Summer

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The Reason for the Season

by C.S. Elston

By now, most of us have heard that Jesus was more likely born in early fall than on December 25th and that many of the popular customs associated with Christmas actually pre-date the holiday and were probably adopted from winter solstice celebrations by pagan populations that later converted to Christianity. We also know that we’re supposed to be full of “Christmas cheer” for three or four weeks as winter settles in but, instead, find ourselves yelling at each other in parking lots, spending money on things we can’t afford and tackling strangers in the toy aisle at Walmart. Perhaps, this is another argument in favor of social distancing. 2020 aside, what exactly are we celebrating and why are we celebrating it?

When in doubt, take it back to the basics and refuse to get caught up in the minutia. Regardless of when Jesus was born, the miraculous thing is that the Word became flesh. What does that mean and why does it matter? One of my favorite authors, C.S. Lewis, put it this way:

“The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God.”

~ C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Let’s look closely at the specifics behind Lewis’ statement. And, to do so, let’s go straight to a modern translation of the original source material. The book of John begins by telling us this:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

~ John 1:1-5, English Standard Version

These five verses are packed with life-transforming information. First, they tell us that the Word was both with God and was God from the very beginning of everything. Second, they tell us that the Word is responsible for all of creation. Third, they tell us that the Word contains the life that is the light of humanity which is not overcome by darkness.

From the Garden of Eden to the moment of Jesus’ birth, humanity had proven over and over again that we could not overcome sin on our own. Left to our own devices, we were headed for death. We were headed for eternal darkness. We needed the life that is the light that would not be overcome. The light that is only in the Word. Later in that first chapter of John, God showed us mercy and gave us that light:

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

~ John 1:14, English Standard Version

Lewis stated the importance of this event for us with precision:

“The central miracle asserted by Christians is the Incarnation. They say that God became Man. Every other miracle prepares for this, or exhibits this, or results from this.”

~ C.S. Lewis, Miracles

The birth of Jesus Christ is the single most important event in all of human history. God became man. Feel the weight of that statement. The Creator became the Creation. The highest being in existence descended into a world he created perfect because it had since been infected by sin and he knew that the sacrifice he was making was the one and only way to redeem it, to redeem us. We needed . . . and still . . . We need Jesus!

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.”

~ John 3:16-17, English Standard Version


Our good friend, Lewis, put it this way:

“In the Christian story God descends to re-ascend. He comes down; down from the heights of absolute being into time and space, down into humanity . . . But He goes down to come up again and bring the ruined world up with Him . . . “

~ C.S. Lewis, Miracles

Praise his name! Fake tree, real tree, no tree . . . Who cares? All that really matters is that the miracle of Christmas is absolutely worth celebrating. The God of all creation loves us so much that he came down in order to take us back up with him, where he always intended us to be! And, even in a crowded shopping mall parking lot, the toy aisle at Walmart or, since it is 2020, surfing Amazon from your couch, the miracle and the meaning of Christmas should absolutely fill your heart with joy. It sure does mine.

And, it is with that joyous heart that I wish you all a very merry Christmas!