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C. A. Stampley

About the Author:

C. A. Stampley was born in Odessa, TX and put into the foster care system. At a year and a half, God placed him with a family that would give him a second chance at life. He strayed from God for a while struggling with anger and sin that took him down a dark and lonely road, but then found salvation and has since dedicated his life to telling people the truth of the gospel that saved his life. He is now married with four beautiful children. After struggling to find clean books he could read that didn’t negatively affect his walk with God, C. A. Stampley decided to write his own. He now aspires to write clean and fun books for people to enjoy and hopes that they point his readers to Jesus.

C. A. Stampley’s Book:


First Name Acrostic:

Covered by the blood of Jesus

Overwhelmed by God’s grace

Determined to tell people about Jesus

Yearning for the lost to find salvation


Bucket List:

— Seeing the Aurora borealis in Alaska.

— I’d love to visit Japan for like a month. I love the culture and style especially the samurai Era.

Cody is proud and excited to have finished my first novel through God’s guidance.



Reading the Bible



Video games


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C. S. Elston

Chris’ Books:

* For more information on his books, click the pics above

About the Author:

Chris Elston has worked as a writer in various mediums, including the film and television industry, since the 1990’s. He primarily grew up in the northern suburbs of Seattle, Washington, went to college about twenty-five miles southwest of Portland, Oregon and then lived in the Los Angeles area for fifteen years. He now resides in Prescott Valley, Arizona with his wife and business partner, Andrea. Together, they own and operate Shine-A-Light Corp, which includes a publishing house, and a non-profit organization called Shine the Light Ministries.

First Name Acrostic:

Christ follower


Rambunctious on occasion


Saved by the 5 solas

Travel Bucket List Items:

In the U.S.A. — I’d like to take a road trip through the northern states because I haven’t been east of Montana and north of Illinois/Indiana as an adult. We could turn around and head back once we stopped for a “Frrrozen Hot Chocolate” at the iconic Serendipity3 between Second and Third avenues in New York City.

Outside the U.S.A. — Israel.

An adventure — I’m typically just happy to survive the day.

An Accomplishment He’s Proud Of:

Finding the most amazing woman on the planet and somehow convincing her to marry me.

Five Favorites:

Movie – The Shawshank Redemption

Music – Christian, Classic Rock, Country

Food – Pizza, steak

Book – After God’s Word, that’s like a 50-way tie and I’m not going to list them all

Vacation spot – Hawaii, Lake Chelan (Eastern Washington State)

“Family Photos”


Coming soon: The Four Corners of Winter

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Andrea Elston

Andrea’s Books:

* For more information on her books, click the pics above

About the Author:

Andrea Elston was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. She has taught at the elementary level for 20+ years and also creates educational resources for Shine-A-Light Press. She and her husband Chris live in Prescott Valley, Arizona and love seeing the sky for more than 3 months out of the year!

First Name Acrostic:

A born-again believerNorthwest native, Arizona transplantDrinks way too much coffeeResponsible (or at least tries to be)Educator and…Advocate for truth

Travel Bucket List Items: Statue of Liberty, Quebec or Paris (anywhere she can practice her high-school French,) and somewhere to see the northern lights and stay in an ice-hotel.

An Accomplishment She’s Proud Of: She just recently made over 200 desserts for her niece’s wedding, turning a fun hobby into something that was able to bless the happy couple. It was definitely challenging, especially since it was 100 degrees that day (quite uncharacteristic for Washington in June), but she made it work!

Five Favorites:

Movie: The Fugitive

Childhood Gift: a Cabbage Patch preemie named Caroline Tabitha

Coffee Drink: Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte

Season: Fall

Book: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

“Family Photos”

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Elaine Beth Doebereiner

Elaine’s Book:


Coming Soon: untitled prequel to The Blue Phoenix and the Silver Foxx

* For more information on her book, click the pic above

About the Author

Elaine is a small-town girl with big dreams and aspirations. She is a blessed wife and mother of two who is also proud to serve as a nurse, making a difference in the lives of others. The name Elaine means “bright shining light” and she strives to live up to that every day, hoping to change the world for the better. Particularly, she wishes to help both people and animals.

First Name Acrostic:

Eloquence is not my forte

Lacking social skills

And Grace, I Dare say

Introvert with Goodwill

Nurse, wife, mother in day’s light

Eccentric writer by night

Travel Bucket List Items: Alaskan cruise to see Northern Lights; England, Scotland and Germany to experience her ancestral origins; and, the Galapagos islands to pet the giant tortoises.

Accomplishments She’s Proud Of: Both becoming a nurse and a published author.

Five Favorites:

Movie: The live action version of Beauty and the Beast

Food: Tacos

Drink: Diet Dr. Pepper

Composer: Vivaldi

Book: Tie — To Kill a Mockingbird and The Hobbit

“Family Photos”

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Michele Renee DeRouin

Michele’s Books:

* For more information on her books, click the pics above

About the Author

After growing up in Bakersfield, California, Michele earned a degree in Child Psychology and spent twenty years working in social services. In 2001, she moved to the mountains of Arizona where she learned to hunt, fish, and rock climb. During that time, she felt God moving her to write a book. In 2017, she moved to the island of Oahu, Hawaii, where she retired from social work and began to write her first novel.

Michele has two grown children and one grandchild. In addition to her love for the outdoors, Michele enjoys painting with watercolors and digital mediums and has sold over 200 pieces of art. Her strong faith in God has helped her to overcome many obstacles and her heartache inspired much of her first book, Cracks in the Floor of Heaven. Michele has also been blessed with many gifts from God, who has taught her how to have joy despite pain and hope in the midst of hardship. She remains an optimist, has a heart for helping others, and plans to write many more books that she hopes will bring light into the darkness and healing into the lives of hurting people.

First Name Acrostic:

My faith keeps me

In the light because I am

Chosen for a purpose

Helping others creates an

Ease in trusting God and

Loving others makes

Everyday special

Travel Bucket List Items: All of the Hawaiian islands, New Zealand, and the national parks.

An Accomplishment She’s Proud Of: Her move to Hawaii.

Five Favorites:

Hobby: Swimming and body surfing

Food: Fish tacos

Music: For King and Country and ’80’s tunes

Movie: Burnt

Season: Summer

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by Andrea M. Elston

There is always a mixed amalgam of feelings that accompany the ending of one season and the beginning of another. The end of summer is no exception. No one can quite capture in words the bitter-sweet emotions that come with the thoughts of saying goodbye to warm weather, vacations, and freedom from routine, with the anticipation of the upcoming school year: new books (does anything beat that “new book” smell?), new friends, new knowledge, new experiences, and new routines. Whether you are experiencing this yourself or vicariously through a child, this time of year can cause a sense of loss and sadness and even fear. I have found that the most effective way to treat these emotions before they take over is through gratitude.

Paul says in his letter to the Ephesians: …(Give) thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ…” (5:20 ESV)

Be grateful for all things as a gift from God.

Do you see the people in your life as a gift from God? 

Do you see the experiences in your life as a gift from God? 

 Thanksgiving is applying value to something and someone. Those that you value will sense it! That is why the simple act of applying thanksgiving to the people in your lives will transform your relationships.

Maybe this summer didn’t go quite as you had planned and your feelings toward summer have been tainted by illness, loss of a job, a sudden move, or a damaged relationship. Or maybe this season had some of the best moments of your life so far and you see the beginning of the school year as a force threatening to take away all that is good and pleasing and comfortable. Whatever your situation, I urge you to view the events of the last few months through the lens which God intended… gratitude. God is the author and the giver of life, each one of our breaths is authored by Him. As His child and as a follower of His Son, that is how we should live our lives.

A famous quote from Cicero states: “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” That is comforting and convicting at the same time! If we are to see ourselves as virtuous, or at least aspire to be, we have to start with gratitude, and all other virtues will be birthed from it.

Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (NIV-emphasis mine)

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After Intermission

by Erin Shelby

Musical theatre is on intermission.

There isn’t much going on, in person that is.

The acting has arrived at a terribly long pause.

The singing is at an abnormally long rest.

The dancing has stopped.

The costumes are on the rack. Are they going to smell like mothballs when we’re ready to use them again?

In-person arts are on pause, for now, that is.

There are so many reasons why people are missing the performing arts. Why do people love the arts so much? What does singing and dancing and acting add to our world that we’re missing right now?

The arts are a community.

When theatre venues open their doors again, they will reveal themselves as community centers. Gathering places, if you will. Whether it’s to watch a play, see a musical, or go to the ballet, people use the arts to socialize. Relationships are formed in these places, and for some, it’s like a family. Everyone needs a place where they can go to be part of a larger community, and for some people, it’s the artistic places.

The arts are revealing.

In a world where loudness is often valued over quiet confidence, getting involved in an artistic production can allow people to analyze deep issues while exploring a script. The arts can be an equalizer for people of all backgrounds and personality types to come together around a common cause. Personally, I don’t thrive at a busy party or in an open-floor plan office, but in an artistic setting, I enjoy making connections with other people while we’re striving toward a common goal. No matter how you’re wired or how you would describe yourself, the arts can provide a place for you to create something beautiful alongside others.

The arts welcome you.

For now, the arts are mostly closed, but when this intermission is over, there will be a place for you. Community theatres will need people to fundraise, publicize, paint set pieces, help with props, sell tickets, and so much more. If you’re ready to play, the arts will welcome you.

That is, after this intermission is over.

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Welcome to Shine-A-Light Press

Shine-A-Light Corp, a multi-media company striving to “shine-a-light” in a world with far too much darkness, is pleased to announce the launch of Shine-A-Light Press. Founded by a husband and wife team who are combining their twenty years of experience, Andrea’s running a classroom and Chris’ as both a film/television writer and an author, Shine-A-Light Press is producing both books and educational curricula for preschool through high school.

Our commitment is to provide quality curriculum, supplementary material, and literary works that can easily be integrated into your current curriculum and used as either read-alouds or simply for personal enjoyment. You will find that our educational resources exceed most widely accepted learning standards, but many are aligned with state standards and/or Common Core for certification purposes.

The products offered by Shine-A-Light Press are available in both hard copy and digital formats and can be purchased in our public store or are included in our various membership packages. Whether you are a single-family with one child in second grade, a homeschooling co-op serving several grade levels, or a P-12 school with 800 students, there is a membership level that applies to you and a price tag that matches appropriately.

Memberships grant the account holder access to the digital material appropriate for their membership level, including early access to new products up to a month before they become available in the store. A perfect example is our new book “The Four Corners of Darkness” which will be available in the store at the end of the month but is currently available as an eBook to our upper elementary, middle school, and premier membership levels. New products that arrive during the annual membership cycle are added to the membership at no additional charge to the account holder. Plus, every member has an automatic 15% discount on all products in the store, site wide.

We have many products planned beyond what you can currently see in the store. Many of which will show up in the next few months. More are already on the calendar to debut in the months that will follow. Our inventory will continue to grow but we are committed to maintaining a personal, small-business level of customer service and family atmosphere. We look forward to getting to know you, serving you, and want to start by saying, “Welcome to the Shine-A-Light family!”