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C. A. Stampley

About the Author:

C. A. Stampley was born in Odessa, TX and put into the foster care system. At a year and a half, God placed him with a family that would give him a second chance at life. He strayed from God for a while struggling with anger and sin that took him down a dark and lonely road, but then found salvation and has since dedicated his life to telling people the truth of the gospel that saved his life. He is now married with four beautiful children. After struggling to find clean books he could read that didn’t negatively affect his walk with God, C. A. Stampley decided to write his own. He now aspires to write clean and fun books for people to enjoy and hopes that they point his readers to Jesus.

C. A. Stampley’s Book:


First Name Acrostic:

Covered by the blood of Jesus

Overwhelmed by God’s grace

Determined to tell people about Jesus

Yearning for the lost to find salvation


Bucket List:

— Seeing the Aurora borealis in Alaska.

— I’d love to visit Japan for like a month. I love the culture and style especially the samurai Era.

Cody is proud and excited to have finished my first novel through God’s guidance.



Reading the Bible



Video games


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Gitti Shilley

About the Author:

Gitti has been teaching her “littles” for 36 years.  She is especially fond of planting the joy of reading into her students. Outside of teaching, she may be found hosting dinners for her extended family and putting on tea parties. She loves the great outdoors and spending time with her husband and their granddaughters.

Gitti’s Book:

First Name Acrostic:

G—Guilty of using her summers teaching kids how to read.

I—Infamous tea party hostess

T—Teacher extraordinaire

T—Tiny but mighty

I—Inquisitive learner


Bucket List:

–See more national parks

–Visit Europe, especially southern Germany into Switzerland and Austria



Gitti is proud of accomplishing 36 years of teaching (as of June, 2024) and still loving it.



Chocolate with nuts


Cozy cabin stays with my husband by rivers or in mountainous areas

Easy picturesque hikes or walks

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Cecilia Mainord

About the Author:

Cecilia’s greatest treasures are her faith, family and friends.  Her love for working with children spans many decades as a home educator, in ministry and in the classroom. She has been married to her husband Steve for over thirty-six years. They have three adult sons, three lovely daughters-in-love and four sweet granddaughters.  Cecilia lives in the majestic Rim Country of northern Arizona and enjoys hiking, kayaking and line dancing with friends.

Cecilia’s Book:

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Anni Maestri

About the Author:

Anni has been involved in education all her life. After graduating from Arizona Christian University, she got a job teaching elementary students and never looked back. She and her husband helped start a classical school in northern Arizona and now their four daughters also attend. In her “spare” time she has been known to write plays, poems, and curriculum.

First Name Acrostic:

A mother, daughter, sister, wife

Needs more time to read amazing books

Native arizonan

Iinstruments include, piano, bass, guitar, and ukulele

Travel Bucket List Items:

In the U.S.A. – Alaska, Hawaii and Delaware (because then she will have been to all 50 states)

Outside the U.S.A.the British Isles

Adventure – seeing the aurora borealis

An accomplishment she’s proud of:

She recently learned how to lay and grout tile.


Author – Hannah Anderson

Date Night – anything involving a hamburger

Tea – peach

Way of Shopping – thrifting

TV Series – The Chosen

Coming Soon:

Copycatting Our Creator


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Stacy Leicht

About the Author:

Stacy Leicht was born and raised in Michigan, but her extended family is from Mississippi, so she likes to say, she was raised in the north with a southern frame of mind. As an educator, Stacy taught many grades, but most recently taught at the university level supervising future teachers.

Stacy and her husband Rick live near the North Carolina coast and love spending time with their grown children and two grandchildren.

Stacy enjoys teaching water aerobics, snorkeling, and anything pertaining to beach life. She is an avid reader and enjoys writing both children’s books and adult suspense novels.

First Name Acrostic:



Always looking on the bright side


Young at heart

Travel Bucket List Items:

In the U.S.A. – I would love to travel to Rhode Island to see the small coastal towns.

Outside the U.S.A. I would love to travel to Wales and Scotland where my family ancestors were from.

An accomplishment she’s proud of: As a teacher, I feel like I made a difference in the lives of many of my students. I stay in contact with many of them and enjoy hearing about their lives.


Movie – The Shawshank Redemption

Food – Spaghetti

Drink – Coke

Childhood Pastime – Riding bikes and swimming

Music – We the Kingdom


Stacy’s Book:

Coming Soon:

Dear Teacher, I’m Watching You

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Brad Lee

About the Author:

Brad has been an active-duty Army Chaplain for over twenty-five years and will retire in June of 2024. He and his wife, Lori, have been married for more than thirty-two years and have six loving children. Their first grandchild is due in March of 2024. Their fifth child, Kaydan, was born with Down syndrome and later diagnosed with autism. The journey through the special needs world has not been an easy one but has also been one of rich experiences of God’s grace and faithfulness. Out of that journey was born the idea for “Walking with Kaydan: A journey of faith, struggle, and hope,” Brad’s first book that chronicles the challenges as well as the victories in the special needs world. As Brad enters retirement, he has plans to establish the Special Needs Marriage and Family Institute as a ministry and academic partnership in the Nashville area.

“Family Photos”


Coming Soon: Walking with Kaydan: A journey of faith, struggle, and hope

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M. N. Kollar

Maxine’s Books:

* For more information on her book and/or the accompanying activity packet, click the pics above

About the Author:

Maxine says she is a Christ follower but she is really a Jesus jogger, pursuing Him daily. She lives in the Northeast USA with her loving husband, three truculent children and one very judgey cat. She likes to bake from scratch and organize things. She claims that she’s not much fun but she is an all-around good egg.

First Name Acrostic:

Mother of three

Always chasing Jesus

X-ray my heart, Lord

Immigrant, so I love America

Never giving up

Ending up on a small farm, someday

Travel Bucket List Items:

In the U.S.A. — Yellowstone National Park

Outside the U.S.A. — Vietnam caves

An adventure — “I hate heights so I think zip-lining over a forest canopy would be nice.”

An Accomplishment She’s Proud Of:

After years as a stay-at-home mom, I pivoted my way back into the work force to help pay for my kids’ college tuition. I is a different way of taking care of my children, but I feel proud knowing they won’t be saddled with debt as they start building their futures.

Five Favorites:

Movie – The Princess Bride

Childhood Gift – Being brought to America

Coffee Drink – Anything with a hazelnut creamer

Book – The Wind in the Willows, still

Season – Fall

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Andrea Elston

Andrea’s Books:

* For more information on her books, click the pics above

About the Author:

Andrea Elston was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. She has taught at the elementary level for 20+ years and also creates educational resources for Shine-A-Light Press. She and her husband Chris live in Prescott Valley, Arizona and love seeing the sky for more than 3 months out of the year!

First Name Acrostic:

A born-again believerNorthwest native, Arizona transplantDrinks way too much coffeeResponsible (or at least tries to be)Educator and…Advocate for truth

Travel Bucket List Items: Statue of Liberty, Quebec or Paris (anywhere she can practice her high-school French,) and somewhere to see the northern lights and stay in an ice-hotel.

An Accomplishment She’s Proud Of: She just recently made over 200 desserts for her niece’s wedding, turning a fun hobby into something that was able to bless the happy couple. It was definitely challenging, especially since it was 100 degrees that day (quite uncharacteristic for Washington in June), but she made it work!

Five Favorites:

Movie: The Fugitive

Childhood Gift: a Cabbage Patch preemie named Caroline Tabitha

Coffee Drink: Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte

Season: Fall

Book: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

“Family Photos”

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Cheap Ways to Prevent Summer Brain Drain

by Erin Shelby


Summer is here, which means a break from school for most kids. Did your child experience smooth sailing or nearly failing this school year? Either way, the “brain drain”  that happens during the summer – the normal loss of learning when kids are out for school – can be prevented, and you don’t need lots of money to keep your child learning . Here are three cheap ways to keep kids learning during the summer. 

#1 Create a Summer Journal 

Have your child create a summer journal and be sure that they include writing with every entry. Writing can help kids strengthen the vocabulary they already have and for kids learning to spell, it’s a great tool. Art can make it fun with a journal that includes drawings, sketches, or even clips from magazines, newspapers, or ads. 

#2 Use Your Library Card

Does each member of your family have a membership card to the public library? This is one of the easiest – and cheapest – ways to learn something new during the summer. One of the best-kept secrets of public libraries are their “digital resources” – the things you don’t even have to visit the library to get. Your library website may enable you to access eBooks, test prep materials, family tree information, TV, movies, and so much more, all for free.

#3 Go Old-School for Elementary School

Is your child more comfortable with technology than you are? Believe it or not, old-school solutions can still work for young kids. Visit your local dollar store and you’ll find ways to teach or tutor your child for the basics: colors, shapes, ABC’s, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and more. Summer can be the time to make progress with the help of these old-school tools!

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Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!

by Andrea Elston

2020 is officially history and it’s hard to imagine that makes too many people sad. It was a tough one, in many ways, but there were also some great things that happened. For example, while we formed this company in the second half of 2019, it really started ramping up in early 2020. The first author we brought into the fold signed with us in April and we are thrilled to now have 14 members of the Shine-A-Light family with several others currently under consideration. We also published 14 manuscripts (not including the 4-6 freebies per month we have been putting on our site since September) this year and are excited about the 24 that are in the editing/formatting phases right now. Within our family, we are aware of 48 additional projects that are currently in the writing and/or development phases, too.

All of that makes the prospect of 2021 very exciting to us and we are intent on it being the year we build the support element of the family atmosphere. To aid in this process, we have reserved a private Facebook group and a new YouTube channel. We are hoping that the “members only” Facebook group can be a place where we are all able to communicate with one another and share ideas about how to promote our work. The YouTube channel will be a place to help us gain exposure. We would like to produce material that both private schools can use in chapels and educators in the classroom.

Speaking (or, writing) of exposure, we wanted to attend private school and homeschool conventions in 2020 but they all got cancelled due to COVID-19. We are currently signed up for an event here in Arizona scheduled for July, one in Tennessee scheduled for March and a third in April that will hopefully happen in Texas. There are others we also plan to attend in Florida, Colorado and New York. These conferences would be great exposure for Shine-A-Light as a company as well as for the whole family and their individual works. Please join us in praying that these opportunities are not taken away from us again this year. Especially now that we have built up a bigger inventory of great material and have so much more to offer.

Goodbye, 2020. You weren’t all bad. Cheers to 2021!